Buckeye Civil Design has developed many Land Plans for a multitude of individual land owners. We have developed Land Plans for sites consisting of less than 5-acres to over 100-acres. These plans include PUD layouts, residential lot layouts, commercial layouts, and a mix of different uses.
Buckeye Civil Design has developed many Land Plans for a multitude of individual
land owners. We have developed Land Plans for sites consisting of less than 5-acres
to over 100-acres. These plans include PUD layouts, residential lot layouts, commercial
layouts, and a mix of different uses.
land owners. We have developed Land Plans for sites consisting of less than 5-acres
to over 100-acres. These plans include PUD layouts, residential lot layouts, commercial
layouts, and a mix of different uses.
Buckeye Civil Design has designed several storm water detention ponds and storm water detention ‘systems’ for various size sites. These detention systems have consisted of dry ponds, wet ponds, buried pipes, oversized pipes, and chamber systems.
Buckeye Civil Design has designed several storm water detention ponds and storm water detention ‘systems’ for various size sites. These detention systems have consisted of dry ponds, wet ponds, buried pipes, oversized pipes, and chamber systems.
Buckeye Civil Design has designed countless public and private sanitary sewer extensions. Typically these sewer extension are performed when the septic systems are failing and the extension of a nearby by sewer is economically feasible.
Buckeye Civil Design has designed countless public and private sanitary sewer extensions. Typically these sewer extension are performed when the septic systems are failing and the extension of a nearby by sewer is economically feasible.
Buckeye Civil Design has worked with various contractors and has created scores of Storm Water Management Plans, or SWP3’s, for various construction projects, ranging from small bridge repairs to very long roadway projects.
Buckeye Civil Design has worked with various contractors and has created scores of Storm Water Management Plans, or SWP3’s, for various construction projects, ranging from small bridge repairs to very long roadway projects.
Buckeye Civil Design has also designed voluminous Residential Septic Systems for new construction and replacement systems. These systems have been designed for individual home owners and for home builders.
Buckeye Civil Design has also designed voluminous Residential Septic Systems for new construction and replacement systems. These systems have been designed for individual home owners and for home builders.
Buckeye Civil Design has completed many LOMA’s and Elevation Certificates for submittal to the FEMA. Buckeye Civil Design works in conjunction with local surveyors when completing these forms.
Buckeye Civil Design has completed many LOMA’s and Elevation Certificates for submittal to the FEMA. Buckeye Civil Design works in conjunction with local surveyors when completing these forms.
Otherwise known as Land Application Management Plans, Buckeye Civil Design has completed application packages to allow the commercial application of treated sewage to the ground for final disposal.
Otherwise known as Land Application Management Plans, Buckeye Civil Design has completed application packages to allow the commercial application of treated sewage to the ground for final disposal.
Buckeye Civil Design has worked with many campgrounds around the area and has assisted them with various permitting issues, such as the permitting of new campgrounds, campground expansions, and permitting their utility extensions.
Buckeye Civil Design has worked with many campgrounds around the area and has assisted them with various permitting issues, such as the permitting of new campgrounds, campground expansions, and permitting their utility extensions.
Buckeye Civil Design has designed numerous waterline extensions for residential home owners over the years.
Buckeye Civil Design has designed numerous waterline extensions for residential home owners over the years.
Buckeye Civil Design has designed and permitted a myriad of holding tanks for various commercial applications.
Buckeye Civil Design has designed and permitted a myriad of holding tanks for various commercial applications.